#每日涨姿势#【beard】a person who is used, knowingly or unknowingly, as a date, romantic partner, or spouse to conceal one's sexual orientation.为他人性向打掩护的伴侣;同妻/同夫。所以哥大应该改名叫Columbeard University。@颠覆欧屁屁展开全文
less commonly, celles pump substances out, even though there is already a larger concentration out side.//@ZephyrSS: LonelyPlanetMorocca: Election for the Chamber of Representatives were held in Nov1997. //@透斯特: 朝九晚五,一年有兩到三個星期的假期。//@KKrestart: 转录产物的方展开全文
哦哦哦果然是我大优子!!!!!杜莎夫人蜡像馆一生推!!现在官网上放出来的就只有优子一个日本人呢,就像是代表日本的艺人呢!虽然是被分在music stars里,但是在介绍里可是作为女优也被认可了呢"Yuko Oshima is a successful actors in films and dramas." (但有这蜡像有点微妙啊,我优子可是漂亮多了的展开全文