我一直想做这种稿子Line Drawing | Touareg BlueMotion. Even the ad has less impact on the environment.A small change can make a big difference. Like using 85% less ink in this magazine ad,... 🔗 网页链接 展开全文
品牌:Family Care For Grassroots Community 广告公司:恒美 (中国 上海) 首席创意官:狄运昌 创意总监:熊超 文案:刘玮 熊超 美术指导:熊超 Jack Xuan William Zhang 插画:熊超 摄影:Green Spot Alex Chen Nicholas Siau King Zhang 排版:熊超 设计: 熊超 客户企划:Jenny Liu 🔗 网页链接展开全文
做好准备后,来访的NGV的毕加索展览,6月30日至10月8日,看到不同的事情。马自达 Be prepared to see things differently after visiting the Picasso exhibition at the NGV, June 30 to October 8. Mazda. 🔗 网页链接 展开全文
品牌: Eagle Print Awards 广告公司: King James (南非 开普敦) 执行创意总监: Alistair King 创意总监: Devin Kennedy Mike Wilson 文案: Mike Wilson 美术指导: Cameron Watson 插画: Pete Harrison 制片: Sam Wentzel Tank 🔗 网页链接 展开全文