and you act so free, you act so free, everybody's laughing because you act so free. well you might fool them, but you can't fool me, with your mindless chatter like I don't need them, I don't need help. I don't even need to see the end.
之前喜欢微博上的一个人 早就认定他是基佬 每天就翻他微博 还弄了特别关注时不时就刷 因为他通常发了微博不久后就删了 我还通通截图和图片存起来 后来越看他越不像基佬 觉得他可能是直的吧 然后后来 也没怎么 反正现在我好像也不那样喜欢他了。。。
= =我鸭要签索尼哦?//@幸运手环: 总比美妙强//@Uprise: 不错耶~过去当一姐~ //@孙燕姿燕窝官方微博: #环球唱片签约艺人# 香港区:谭咏麟、张学友、陈奕迅、李克勤、张敬轩、林忆莲、莫文蔚等;台湾区:李玟、苏打绿、梁静茹、潘玮柏、杨宗纬、王心凌等
Hold Me Now 🔗 网页链接 you say i'm a dreamer, we're two of a kind. both of us searching for some perfect world we know we'll never find.