Goodmorning baby Mike^^ had a good rest last night? take good care na a little busy today, susu with Mike's smile^^ Mike fighting too^^ @MikeAngelo中国展开全文
Sleep early Mike Mike today have a strong feeling that life is really so hard...we have no choice but to fight, for a better life...thanks Mike give me strength and smile :-) Goodnight na @MikeAngelo中国展开全文
"Nothing comes easy, u have to fight, regardless of the professional area u r in..learn from ur best today and be strong with problems, so that u can stand up right in this world, coz problems always await anyway." so proud of u Mike@MikeAngelo中国展开全文
Baby Mike Goodmorning^^ sorry a little late almost didnt sleep last night coz moved a lot poor boy, traveled to Japan with mommy and daddy these days? why didnt proved urself when they hurt u? my poor boy @MikeAngelo中国展开全文