Summer romances end for all kinds of reasons. But when all is said and done, they have one thing in common: They are shooting stars--a spectacular moment of light in the heavens, a fleeting glimpse of eternity. And in a flash, they're gone.
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背景音乐I'm in here追GG这么多年来最感动的一幕。没有之一。I don't love u anymore . But it wouldn't be my world without you in it. 以此纪念 #绯闻女孩大结局#
#绯闻女孩gossip girl# 有人说,这部剧里惟一的爱情,只有Blair和Chuck。因为害怕结束而不敢开始 因为害怕爱的不够多而不敢开始。终于 在最后这两个傻瓜还是在一起了。附上这部剧里 我认为最感动的一幕。打算逃离巴黎的Chuck和准备遗忘的Blair在车站相遇。两个试图遗忘的人,只让记忆变得更深。