//@变态辣椒: 这是红菊梦吧?//@谷大白话: 从此无法直视「肥皂剧」这三个字//@丢失了睡眠的小树精: 肥皂剧啊 原微博 低俗小说CREDO
Captain Kidd, Jason Kidd, the tripple double king, has retired for his game, his nba career. Wishing he'll got more time to stay with his family, and expecting he will back to count soon as a coach or an announcer。Good luck! Captain. 展开全文原微博 低俗小说CREDO
我现在只穿UNDERARMOUR的运动裤子和鞋子了。一穿就再也拖不了。@肆肆拾陆 ;@Ricky_瓶子 ;@card1982 Under Armour想听到你的心声!你觉得UA怎么样?喜欢,不喜欢,还有什么需要改进? 告诉我们你的想法,关注UA,在“评论”处 @3位好友 并转发此条微博,就有机会获得 @BrandonJennings 亲笔签名 运动热身裤一条。 转发 1评论 0 原微博 低俗小说CREDO
Jason Kidd, Captain Kidd, the Tribble Double King!!! 原微博 低俗小说CREDO
E35直出,请过目@EIME7 原微博