#李云迪# 预祝法兰克福演出圆满成功! 原微博 亡命天涯远
#李云迪# 预祝钢琴家李云迪先生欧洲巡演圆满成功! 原微博 亡命天涯远
#李云迪# Instead of thriving in the spotlight, "Yundi Li prefers to let the purity of his pianism do the talking." __ The Independent 原微博 亡命天涯远
#李云迪# "观想,一切都如明镜般透亮。" 原微博 亡命天涯远
#李云迪# He does not need to strive for brilliance or individuality. When he plays, those qualities are simply there. --- New York Times @右臂上的小痣 展开全文原微博