福山的新文章,剖析美国政治制度的衰变。作者认为美国三权分立的政治传统导致立法(党派)和司法(法庭)在政治中扮演的角色过重,行政(政府)被边缘化。而立法与司法是私人利益的代表与竞争,过分依赖诉讼和利益集团,使美国政治(相较西欧国家)更容易被狭隘利益挟持。#Peril of Toquevillian Democracy?#展开全文
Never a big fan of JFK. Many things around him are more symbolic than real. 古巴导弹危机的解决也应该主要归功于赫鲁晓夫的各种二。肯尼迪若连任,八成会沦落到奥巴马今天这种尴尬境地,民权法案也不会迅速通过。Anyways, “虽然它也无法躲过政治的丑恶”里的“虽然”是怎么回事?逻辑不通啊...展开全文
Me: What does Rosenthal mean by "structure" of legislature that measures the degree of professionalization? J: Nothing interesting - he's talking abt physical structure like office space for legislators. Me: That makes PhDs in this dept unprofessional, cos we have no office 展开全文 原微博
#politics is theater# all agenda & values aside, the two shows put up by GOP yesterday - the Rand Paul filibuster & the Romneys Fox interview - point to the Party's dire need for good (political) actors. Romney was plastic as always; Paul wasn't even half as good as his father.展开全文 原微博
#炸弹文学奖后续# Salman Rushdie calls Mo Yan a "patsy of the regime." That's a strong statement. Personally I don't believe any prize should come at the cost of martyrdom, and there's no reason why a literary achievement must translate into moral high ground. 🔗 网页链接展开全文 原微博
#things that cure Monday Blue# Carlos Kleiber once said his father believed operetta was especially suited for studying conducting, and Carlos himself claimed operetta to be "about the hardest there is." In that vein, Die Fledermaus is a true testament to his devotion and genius.展开全文
#炸弹文学奖后续# 对我这种鲜少看当代文学的人,村上君的落选说失望也未置可否。倒是昨天New Yorker的一篇blog读后让人怅惘良久。“When I write novels, I have to go down into a very deep, dark, and lonely place. And then I have to come back, back to the surface. It’s very dangerous.”展开全文 原微博