[外电如何看两会] China provided its strongest signal yet that it will shift toward balanced and clean economic growth, promising to reduce the pace of investment to the lowest in a decade and wage a "war on pollution". 中国发出了转变经济增长方式的强烈信号 🔗 网页链接展开全文 原微博
【直播大熊猫旅欧记live panda report】饲养员吴爸一家都在熊猫基地,妻子也是熊猫基地的保育工作人员,吴爸临行前与妻子和女儿惜别,吴爸加油!A zoo keeper hugs his wife before escorting giant pandas to Beligum. Live panda report only on Chinadaily.com.cn 🔗 网页链接展开全文
【中方回应美日澳涉东海南海联合声明 】 China said on Monday the United States, Australia and Japan should not use their alliance as an excuse to intervene in territorial disputes, and urged them to refrain from inflaming regional tensions. 🔗 网页链接展开全文 原微博
【李某某犯强奸罪获刑10年 梦鸽现身宣判现场】9月26日,北京,李某某强奸案宣判。李某某一审获刑10年。梦鸽法庭外现身。The teenage son of a famous Chinese military singer was sentenced to 10 years for rape on Thursday.🔗 网页链接展开全文
【北京大兴摔童案案犯一审获死刑】韩磊则表示自己是近视眼且当时喝了酒,以为对方推的是购物车,摔了之后才知道是孩子。A man who killed a toddler by violently throwing her to the ground was sentenced to death on Wednesday at Beijing No 1 Intermediate Court. 🔗 网页链接展开全文
【成都14只新生大熊猫宝宝拍合影 国庆将与公众见面】Fourteen giant panda cubs, all born this year, make their debut at the Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding on Monday.🔗 网页链接展开全文
【薄熙来案审判现场视频】 济南市中级人民法院对薄熙来案做出一审判决,以受贿罪、贪污罪、滥用职权罪依法判处刑罚,数罪并罚,决定执行无期徒刑,剥夺政治权利终身。Bo Xilai has been sentenced to life imprisonment for bribery, embezzlement and power abuse. 🔗 网页链接展开全文
【薄熙来案将于9月22日上午10点宣判】The verdict for fallen senior official Bo Xilai will be announced at 10 am on Sept 22, said the Jinan Intermediate People’s Court on Wednesday. 🔗 网页链接 展开全文
【北京地铁4号线早高峰发生故障 你迟到了么?】4号线纵贯南北,是大量上班族的首选。不过迟到的同学不要紧张,因为地铁公司曾表示:地铁延误超15分钟可领#迟到证明#Beijing's No 4 subway line suspended operation in the rush hours on Monday morning due to signal failure 🔗 网页链接展开全文
【“海娜号”1121名滞留旅客回国】为弥补旅客损失,海航旅业提出两种赔偿方案:或给予每名旅客2000元左右的经济补偿,或在一年内提供内舱房免费船票1张。HNA Tourism offered the passengers 2,000 yuan in compensation or a free ticket on the Henna for the coming year 🔗 网页链接展开全文
【今天司法考试开考 43万多人报考】国家司法考试14日全国开考, 今年全国报考人数达43.6万人,比去年增加3.2万人。应届生报考人数达7.8万人。加油!A total of 436,000 people will sit national judicial examination on Saturday and Sunday, 32,000 more than 2012r. 🔗 网页链接展开全文
【海口两家酒行发生爆炸,已致三人受伤】Three people have been injured, including two seriously, after an explosion involving two wine stores in South China's island province of Hainan 🔗 网页链接展开全文
【美网:@李娜 救六赛点仍不敌小威 无缘决赛】李娜证明了自己仍有取得大满贯的实力和机会,而小威再次证明了自己的强大. 娜姐加油! Li Na failed to advance to her 2nd Grand Slam final in the season after losing to Serena Williams 6-0, 6-3 in US Open on Friday 🔗 网页链接展开全文
【专家:全运会需要改革】专家称:虽然丑闻不断,但全运会对于小众项目的运动员而言,依然至关重要。Experts urge reforming, but not scrapping, the scandal-plagued National Games, in part because the sports gala is lifeline for many less popular events and athletes 🔗 网页链接 展开全文
【郑州最严限购惹争议 是否该一刀切?】从9月起,在郑州未满20周岁的单身市民不得买房!Singles aged less than 20 who not already own homes are no longer allowed to buy homes in Zhengzhou. 🔗 网页链接展开全文