#JI讲座预告# 新学期学术讲座开始啦!本周三(3月6日)上午9:15 Dr. L. Jay Guo 将在密西根学院楼二楼会议室为大家讲解Towards scalable fabrication of high efficiency organic solar cells~~~欢迎感兴趣的老师和同学们前来收听!@上海交通大学微博@上海交通大学研究生会展开全文
To all JI students! //@上海交通大学微博: Robert Parker: The university experience is much, much more than studying, exams, grades, and a future job or graduate school. Come to SJTU to find what you love. Grab the opportunities.展开全文
【@上海交大密西根学院 教授罗伯特•帕克在2012级新生开学典礼上的发言】One of the wonderful pleasures of being a professor is to always be surrounded by young, talented, motivated, and passionate students as they discover and develop their academic abilities. 🔗 网页链接展开全文