【easy 短语】1. as easy as falling off a log 十分简单,极其容易;2. as easy as shooting fish in a barrel 手到擒来;3. easy come, easy go 来的容易去的快;4. on easy street 生活富裕;5. easy touch 容易受骗的人;6. easy going 好相处的;7. free and easy 无拘无束的;查看全文>>展开全文
Without failures, success may not be obtainable; without setbacks, life cannot be rich, but pure and insipid like boiled water. 没有失败就无所谓成功,没有遭遇过挫折和失败的人生是不丰富的人生,就像白开水,纯净却没有味道。查看全文>>展开全文
Linken Park is one of the best live band in the world. Now they will use this<Iridescent> to tell you what rock is~~林肯公园是世界上最优秀的现场表演团体之一,现在他们带来这首<彩虹>来告诉你什么是摇滚~ 摇滚天团林肯公园献唱《变形金刚3》主题曲Iridescent🔗 网页链接展开全文