Break a leg是祝别人好运之意,尤其是祝要上台演出的人(象演员或音乐家神马的)马到成功.迷信说法是如果对演出者说'good luck'反而会带给他们bad luck. 例: It will be a great show tonight. Break a leg! 今晚(你们的)演出一定很棒, 祝圆满成功.该短语由@不安分的安小染 提供,她看电影'惊天魔盗团'学的展开全文
Drop dead本意是突然死亡或去死吧别烦我.那drop dead due date指啥?前段时间听同事讲的时候一头雾水.后来问明白了,原来是做某事情可能的最晚最晚的截止日,就像若在那个日子之前不做完就得死一样(if we don't get it done by then, we will all die!) 例 What is the drop dead due date of this task?展开全文
Knock on wood是西方民间传说中避邪的做法,即敲木头可以祈求好运,以讨吉利. 例: He's been suffered from cold for a week; now he's finally feeling better, knock on wood! 感冒折腾他一周了;现在终于好点儿,(你们意会下). 该短语由@令水寒_谁来与我浮一大白 提供, 让姐送你朵小红花表示感谢展开全文
工作邮件学的roll的短语.1.roll out,用于某物的实施/推出,尤指新东西.例:Our new training platform will be rolling out next month (下月会推出新的培训平台) 2.什么在进展中用roll along.如:All is rolling merrily along from my perspective (我看来一切进展顺利) Oh "Roll out!"也是叫人起床之意展开全文 原微博
说食物卖相好或闻起来香而让人有食欲用appetizing 如the appetizing smell of pizza. 吃起来好吃可用yummy,tasty, finger licking good(extremely tasty): The BBQ ribs were finger licking good! (烤排太美味啦). Mouthwatering既指有食欲也形容美味:My mom had made a mouthwatering dinner for us.展开全文
俚语里常听说zone out,就是注意力不集中(lose concentration)或心不在焉(being inattentive)的意思. 如果突然走神没听清别人说什么可用:“i am sorry,what was that again? i got kinda zoned out”.做某事过程中走神例句:I was zoned out sitting in the classroom and couldn't recall the lecture.展开全文 原微博