Shipping characters is the most beautiful form of insanity. You’re literally looking for signs that point to two people loving each other. You see so much potential for happiness that even two characters appearing in the same room for 30 seconds is cause for celebration.”太治愈展开全文 原微博
來說個床邊故事吧。很久很久以前,有個藍盒子從天而降... (來源: 🔗 网页链接 So this is the story / of Amy’s raggedy friend / they’re now both sleeping forever / and all good things find an end. @住在Tardis展开全文
@别叫我大lulu /@贝克街的扫地老太太: “Hello,I…”“You're the doctor and I won't ask Dr Who because you're just the Dr A Timelord from Gallifrey Has a Tardis which is bigger inside Can go whenever wherever you want Don't ask me how It's obvious. ”"..."(被抢光台词的博士正在画圈展开全文
#当Sherlock遇到Doctor Who#“世上唯一的咨询侦探”遇到神秘博士,会发生有史以来最奇妙的冒险?还是最“Boring”的邂逅…Use your Imagination!参加我们与#BBC Worldwide#共同推出的微创意大赛——【当Sherlock遇到Doctor Who】欢迎畅所欲言,40份BBC官方礼物等你哦~ The Game is On!详情点击海报展开全文
噗... 太棒了... 撸叔知道“科学组”的称呼了,并且对此非常高兴... 还说会打电话告诉萝卜 XDDD #萝卜的西皮真是各个头顶青天##总觉得LA的西皮争夺大战越来越有趣了# Mark Ruffalo Reacts to ‘Science Bros,’ the Tony Stark–Bruce Banner Romance Meme 源:🔗 网页链接