夏天,离群的鸟儿来我窗前,唱首歌,飞走了。秋天,枯黄的叶子没有歌声,叹个息,飘落了。Stray birds of summer come to my window to sing and fly away。And yellow leaves of autumn, which have no songs, flutter and fall there with a sigh。-Tagore/泰戈尔-展开全文
有时候,我们被空洞的语言围绕,毫无意义可言;而震耳欲聋的沉默反而告诉我们更多、告诉我们一切... A volte siamo circondati da parole vuote e prive de senso e da silenzi assordanti che ci raccontano tanto, tutto... -Alessia Lorenzi/阿蕾思雅•罗润子- (网路截图)展开全文
落日时分..让我自由飞翔的神奇时刻..美丽和不那么美丽、微笑和泪水的时刻..电光似的在我的脑海里疯狂的闪耀。Il tramonto...momento magico che lascia i miei ricordi liberi di volare...momenti belli e meno belli, sorrisi e pianti...come flash impazziti saltellano nella mia mente。-罗润子-展开全文
分享图片 「当层层云朵为缓缓隐没的白日重新添妆,并为残茬碎散的麦田抹上胭红....」 "When barred clouds bloom the soft-dying day/ And touch the stubble-plains with rosy hue....." -John Keats "Ode to Autumn"/ 约翰•济慈「秋颂」-展开全文
分享图片 The Women in White(白衣女子)之四。「爱过而后失去 终究比从未爱过的好」。英国桂冠诗人埃尔佛瑞德•檀尼森(Alfred Lord Tennyson)的诗句。是他为了纪念好友亚瑟•亨利•哈拉穆(Arthur Henry Hallam)而写的悼亡诗(In Memoriam A.H.H.)展开全文