Great group photo at Guangzhou with One Foundation. - 在广州与@壹基金 一起照的很棒的集体照。查看全文>> I am so happy to have made so many new friends in China. It's a shame I 39;m leavin... - @Fans堂 我很高兴在中国结交到了很多新朋友。非常遗憾我马上就要离开了! 🔗 网页链接 Make sure you check out my live interview that's... - 确保你有看 和 为我举办的现场采访哦。我期待着能在那里见到... 展开全文 🔗 网页链接 Gossip Girl fans! I'm picking fans to meet me at my event or... - 《绯闻女孩》粉丝们!我要选一些粉丝来参加@Fans堂 和@搜狐视频 10月11日... 🔗 网页链接 I've always been really into sports, especially American football. What are some of your favorite sports? - 我非常喜欢运动,尤其是橄榄球。你们最喜欢什么运动? I love staying at home and grilling. I guess it's a Texas thing. Do you guys lik... - 我喜欢待在家里,吃烧烤。我想这是德克萨斯州的风俗。在中国你们喜欢吃烧烤吗? 🔗 网页链接 What’s a movie that you've seen lately? I’m always looking for recommendations. - 你们最近看的一部电影是什么?我总是希望得到一些推荐。 回复@刘思语-Cherry仔 : I'm doing great! Thank you for asking. How are my fans in China doing? If I were to visit, which city should I go to? //@刘思语-Cherry仔 : long time no see!miss u so much!how r u these days?what r u doing? 展开全文 What TV series have you been following these days? - 你们这些天一直在追哪部电视剧呢? Ni Hao. Did you get up to much over the weekend? - 你好。你们周末都过得充实吗? What's your star sign? ;) - 你是什么星座的? ;) Who do you draw inspiration from Chinese fans? I'm a super fan of Leonardo DiCa... - 中国粉丝们,你们从谁那里受到鼓舞呢?我是莱昂纳多·迪卡普里奥的超级粉丝。他是我演... 🔗 网页链接 Chinese fans, what's your favorite sport? Mine's gotta be golf, I used to play o... - 中国的粉丝们,你们最喜欢的运动项目是什么呢?我的是高尔夫,我在高中的时候参加了学... 🔗 网页链接 I'm such a big Leonardo DiCaprio fan. Have any of you seen the movie Django Unch... - 我是莱昂纳多·迪卡普里奥的忠实粉丝。你们有谁看过《被解放的姜戈》了吗?很出色的电... 🔗 网页链接 I'm a huge fan of the movie Top Gun. When I was little I always wanted to be a t... - 我是电影《壮志凌云》的超级粉丝。小时候我总向往成为空军飞行员。我非常爱这部电影以... 🔗 网页链接 I'm interested to hear some good music from China. What are the big groups or a... - 我对中国的音乐也很有兴趣,希望能听到一些好音乐。现在中国最当红的组合或艺人是谁呢... 🔗 网页链接 Fans in China: what are some of your favorite moments in Gossip Girl? - 中国的粉丝们,《绯闻女孩》中你们最爱的时刻是什么? The holidays are almost here! What is everyone doing for Christmas and New Years in China? - 节日马上就到了!各位在中国的圣诞节和新年的时候都会做些什么呢? China! What are your favorite spots to hit up when you want a night on the town? - 中国的粉丝们!你们晚上去市区玩的时候最爱去哪个地方呢? Only another month before Gossip Girl comes back on the air. I can't wait for everyone to see what's in store for this season! - 距离《绯闻女孩》回归只有一个月的时间了。等不及想让你们每个人都看到这一季的精彩故事了! 展开全文