Thai Prime Minister Mr. Kukrit Pramoj and Chinese Primier Zhou Enlai signing the Joint Communique on the Establishment of Diplomatic Relations Between the Kingdom of Thailand and the People's Republic of China on 1 July 1975展开全文
pray for you Lingzi Lu //@紅塵三過客: 呂令子。死於波士頓爆炸案的中國女孩。她追隨她的愛情來到波士頓。 Lingzi Lu, pictured in this photo from Facebook, was a graduate student at Boston University.展开全文
La kon = good bye) , (kun ja pai nai = where are you going) , ( kun shuey chan dai mai = can you help me) , (chan yak pai = i want to go to) , (sa ta nee rod fi= train station) ,( chan gum lung ha you = i'm looking for) , (sa nam bin =airport) , (chok dee = good luck)展开全文