閉上雙眼,耳內單循著#on my way#,實在好喜歡前奏那段melody,希望快D可以有full version....."I will be on my way, to save you, when life goes astray, I’ll be on my way, to hold you, to kiss your tears away......"跟隨著音符,走進一個個的故事,多謝@邓智伟 又創作了一首動人的作品展开全文 原微博
“Nothing more than ever we could say,you kiss me through the rain and to whisper something little something all I want to say...”單循着旋律,忽然覺得一個人的情人節也有sweet的感覺多謝@邓智伟 和@郑樱纶 又一動人的作品,音樂是生活,歌詞是故事...祝情人節快樂,CW要開心D展开全文 原微博