#翻译微实践# 请翻译:Elizabeth excused herself as well as she could; said that she had liked him better when they met in Kent than before, and that she had never seen him so pleasant as this morning.【我们将在约两小时后公布参考翻译。若喜欢这个栏目,请回复或转发】欢迎互评!转发 1评论 0
酒足饭饱之后,是传统的"骂政府"节目。各种Sénateurs sont des connards, Bureaucratie est nulle, Sécu coûte trop cher, France est foutue... 我正颓着Démocratie ne sauve pas le monde,大家已经欢乐的开始Digestif!好吧,我又幼稚了!Joyeux Noël!展开全文 原微博