CC:I beg your pardon, sir, for having disturbed you a while ago, and for again disturbing you at this moment . M:Yea. Was ist up ?CC:... I'm sorry to have to inform you that your mails were lost ...... 最搞笑的快递报失对话,一个半月等来这样的消息,我能骂人吗?你妹的
曾记繁华闹市 忆笙歌酒绿红 沉醉迷离幻影 使我日渐朦胧 忘记男儿立志 空有家不能容 宁教沦为浪子 将光阴轻轻枉送 声声呼叫多悲恸 悲歌泣血在心中 难禁迷糊泪眼 哀今生灾难重 尝遍无情恨果 皆当初将己枉纵 期盼朦胧梦里 可再沾花月容 重作闲云雾鹤 休伤悲不再苦痛 ---一首送给自己的歌《希盼得好梦》