#Lincoln Park# 同事推薦的breakfast/brunch:Nookies Too! 週末人群滿滿,阿媽級的waitress忙進忙出,感覺非常homie! 我們兩人點了winter special的lemon poppy pancake(強烈推薦) 和 Chicken Portbello omlete, 都很美味!@舌尖上的芝加哥 @FoodieChicago
#吐槽# First bad meal in Chicago: Roti Mediterranean Grill - the rice was hard, the meat was dry, the grill veggies were cold, and Costco hummus taste better than Roti's!! @FoodieChicago @舌尖上的芝加哥
#Training# 每次來Q Center都能見到不同國家不同公司和級別的專業人士,晃了一圈見到無數東方面孔,再看看Accenture的finance training 50 個人一個東方人, 仿佛又回到了Iowa! 希望更多的同胞可以加入ACN Finance!!! I'm at:#Q Center#
最惡劣的獎品:通過視頻跟公司CFO吃午飯!WTF seriously? Yeah, I totally want to stuff my face while Pam Craig is watching me. @浦诚ACN @霍建文_埃森哲