@haru_文学少女小丁丁 的照片很棒(来自专辑 微博配图),推荐给大家! 🔗 网页链接 原微博 DeniseShawol
//@J_RabBit_Tao: 窝操有大腿肉看就不错了!TTTTT好爱TTTT //@淹没在exo根海: 第一张这花挡的真不是地方我要看自陶紧绷的裆部#黄子韬#//@AJ_NOT_AJ: 发色???//@HZ_Ting: 头发颜色变了? 好是我眼残了 @J_RabBit_Tao @AJ_NOT_AJ ! 展开全文原微博 DeniseShawol
@阿桃命 的照片很棒(来自专辑 微博配图),推荐给大家! 🔗 网页链接 原微博 DeniseShawol
@remiiverity 的照片很棒(来自专辑 微博配图),推荐给大家!- Lol 🔗 网页链接 原微博 DeniseShawol
@Come_On_TAO 的照片很棒(来自专辑 微博配图),推荐给大家!- Too nice :-) 🔗 网页链接 原微博 DeniseShawol
@小相的樱桃Tao 的照片很棒(来自专辑 微博配图),推荐给大家! 🔗 网页链接 原微博 DeniseShawol
@海天月夜 的照片很棒(来自专辑 微博配图),推荐给大家! 🔗 网页链接 原微博 DeniseShawol
@阿浮囍黄子韬 的照片很棒(来自专辑 微博配图),推荐给大家! 🔗 网页链接 原微博 DeniseShawol
@LuhanluTumblr 的照片很棒(来自专辑 EXO 超大高清官图),推荐给大家! 🔗 网页链接 原微博 DeniseShawol
@KiiForWoonVoice 的照片很棒(来自专辑 微博配图),推荐给大家! 🔗 网页链接 原微博 DeniseShawol
@M鹿M_Elena729 This is onother work in progress, and it is dedicated to you, dear! :) It's always part of the series of ancient warriors i'm doing! @M鹿M @DiamondVipT 展开全文原微博 DeniseShawol
Finally i come back with other works! These days i didn't shared anything because i was working on that series of ancient warriors! This is a new work in progress: i imagined how could be TAO at the age of 14/15 years old and now i'm doing it!!! @DiamondVipT 展开全文原微博 DeniseShawol
@BABYLION0506 的照片很棒(来自专辑 微博配图),推荐给大家! 🔗 网页链接 原微博 DeniseShawol
@M鹿M_Elena729 @fruitXfruit 的照片很棒(来自专辑 微博配图),推荐给大家! 🔗 网页链接 原微博 DeniseShawol
Lovely group @晴天小酱 的照片很棒(来自专辑 微博配图),推荐给大家! 🔗 网页链接 原微博 DeniseShawol
This is the last work in progress. I'm doing a series of drawings where EXO M/K are Chinese/Korean warriors. This is the first work in progress i share; TAO warrior with long hair. I will finish it soon! To see well the drawing you should open the file totally! I hope you like. 展开全文原微博 DeniseShawol
对@DiamondVIpTao 说:You're right...Nobody shouldn't hurt you,and your mates!:(..I feel so sorry for all of you,and Kai,because you two are my favourite!:(..And it's not good to see all of you as Kai in your pic-profile..I hope the things will change.. 展开全文原微博 DeniseShawol
This one is dedicated to D.O. : HAPPY BIRTHDAY Kyung Soo! It's inspired by The Face Shop photoshoot; i hope you like it :-). 原微博 DeniseShawol
//@兔子_不Ai减HuI爱黄桃: 尼玛!这次是两边!我给跪了~治愈窝刷频刷的吐血的!谢右边~湿吻你~//@伢_qi_要成为rp的赢家: 来,你个腋毛饭@兔子_不Ai减HuI爱黄桃 //@Tomatao小番茄: 小海边不用这样来证明是黄子韬的饭 Merry Chrtistmas~!!!虽然小熊猫抛弃了小海边,但是小海边还是会依然爱小熊猫的✪ω✪ 但是还是要小报复一下被抛弃的痛 小熊猫的节操小海边就不守护啦~~~腋毛神马的大家都来看>- 转发 83评论 7 原微博