I read Ceci interview with Lu Han...and I understood, I love him more and more. Hope to meet him once and just say warm words. I want him to be happy. He is very kind and good man. My ideal type. 展开全文 原微博
detail.tmall.com/item.htm?id=24214764195&spm=a220z.1000880.0.45.RRsNey&bucket_id=19 WHAT's THIS ???????????!!!!!!!!!!!! I can buy M4M's album????!!!!!!! 展开全文 原微博
I am crying I don't see my question for M4M on baidu, where is it? I post it yesterday, it was on 6th page, but I can't find it it was #318 ...Who deleted it T___T There are questions #317 and then #332!!! What happen T_T My question was so simple 展开全文 原微博
could anyone advise me any of good and everyday updating fansite or fan-page of M4M, no matter which site: weibo, twitter or baidu bar I am going to create Kazakhstan fanbase of M4M, hope somebody can help me 展开全文 原微博