[奧特曼][奧特曼]//@伦敦艺术大学北京办公室: [围观] //@留英校友会AlumniUK: There are no trails of the wings in the sky,while the bird has flied away. 原微博 KAYKWOK_LONDON
Amazing project styled by Inggrads Shek and photographed by Simon S. Its just amazing! more is coming! 原微博 KAYKWOK_LONDON
KAY KWOK X 尚雯婕 之戰衣重出江湖2 我個人十分喜歡這件 原微博 KAYKWOK_LONDON
雖說我是在LCF讀男裝畢業,但其實之前是讀女裝的 感謝@翟小k @尚雯婕 讓這條晚裝裙子出現在北京。其實我也好喜歡造女裝的!! 還有@蜜丝玛0520 謝謝你~~~ 原微博