We are celebrating the End of August with concerts given by The Desire Band, which is currently composed by a keyboardist and a drummer. 雅尼中国乐迷会正在以【心愿乐队】带来的雅尼音乐表演庆祝我们的“八月之末”。对比之下,中国雅迷太年轻了!展开全文
Fans have been getting together and celebrating with "The End of August" fan parties. How do you celebrate "The End of August?" Share your photos with us - 雅尼乐迷们庆祝“八月之末”的聚会!你是如何纪念这个特殊的日子呢?使用关键字#TheEndOfAugust#晒出你的照片让我们看到吧!
#2013雅尼北京站回顾#翘首以盼,执着让他实现了雅尼在博士学位论文上签名的梦想。他,还有更多梦想,希望与雅尼和众乐迷分享。Waiting for Yanni at the airport, he wants to share more dreams with Yanni and his fans. @雅尼Yanni@SarahOBrien@雨泽随时展开全文