让我们做出正确的选择—加速增长,而不是停滞不前;稳定牢固,而不是脆弱不堪;团结一致,而不是闭关自守。IMF70周年:做出正确的选择—昨天、今天和明天: 🔗 网页链接 #IMF2014秋季年会# Speaking at Georgetown University today on the challenges facing the global economy @ 11am EDT. (北京时间今晚11点)我在美国首都华盛顿的乔治城大学 (Georgetown University)发表主题为”全球经济面临的挑战“的演讲。视频直播:🔗 网页链接 展开全文 第三,我们给他们提供一个技术的培训和技术的援助。根据国家的请求,大部分国家都可以做技术援助。 我们的目的就是希望不断提升全球经济的稳定性,实现各国经济增长。 #对话IMF总裁拉加德# 国际货币基金组织由188个成员国组成,类似于俱乐部,主要做三方面的工作。首先,我们会进行短期的有息贷款,贷款给那些面临经济困难的国家。 第二我们做这种经济监测,也就是我们会看一下每一个会员国的经济状况,提供一些政策建议。(未完待续)请加入我本周日(23日)下午2点的微访谈直播。微访谈专页:🔗 网页链接 At Stanford University today to talk about “Innovation, Technology and the 21st century global economy”. 我今天在斯坦福大学与学生们探讨“创新、技术以及21世纪的全球经济”。🔗 网页链接 Happy Lunar New Year. Best wishes to all! 祝大家马年新春快乐,万事如意! Arrived in Davos. Looking forward to discussions on global outlook and gender driven growth. 我刚抵达达沃斯,期待就全球前景以及性别驱动增长的话题展开讨论。 Link to my plenary speech at the 2013 IMF/World Bank Annual Meetings in Washington, DC 🔗 网页链接 Strengthening fiscal balances remains a key policy priority to help rebuild confidence. http://t.cn/zR4FqXx 展开全文 Inspirée par les femmes au ClintonGlobal #CGI2013, mon message: Ne vous arrêtez pas. Osez la différence. Unconventional monetary policies need to be paired with the full range of global policies to secure strong, sustainable and balanced growth. Happy to be back in Jackson Hole for the annual Fed symposium and looking forward to my speech Friday on unconventional monetary policy. At VU_LT for the panel on European Economic Integration: Taking Stock of Challenges and Opportunities. Live at 10am 🔗 网页链接 Congratulations to Lithuania on becoming the first Baltic country to hold the EU Presidency. With Grybauskaite_LT 🔗 网页链接 Fulfilling the Asian dream: invest in people, create the right climate for investment/business & eco-friendly growth 🔗 网页链接 I am in Ireland, and speaking at historic Dublin Castle - watch it live March 8 1130H GMT/0630H EST... 🔗 网页链接 Let's foster a more open and collaborative environment that supports coming generations of women leaders. 🔗 网页链接 #wefwomen Le succès de l'économie mondiale de demain dépendra du bon usage des valeurs des nouvelles générations ...🔗 网页链接 #WEF The success of the future global economy depends on harnessing the values of a new generation on the march...🔗 网页链接 #WEF In Abidjan, looking forward to my meetings with government, civil society, business, & student representatives in the next few days.