Let's join a crazy foam party with CHEERS this coming Saturday-August.24th. Get wild, Get wet, Get Bubbles! You must go! The crazy party starts at 3p.m. on Saturday at KOKOMO in Sanlitun! CHEERS provide you with a free sparkling drink for early birds at the party! See you there!展开全文
亲们,明天参加party的你们前两杯起泡酒免费哦!CHEERS秀水店,不见不散哦!First 2 glasses of sparkling wine for free! See ya there //@CHEERSWines: 浪漫派对时间Romantic party time:2013年8月13日星期二-阴历七月初七下午18:30-21:00 浪漫派对地点Romantic party take place:CHEERS秀水店展开全文
皇家吧荔枝味鸡尾起泡酒果然无条件胜出!Bar Royal Lychee wins the vote! 荔枝的味道果然带有一些阳光清新的味道~一周的第二天,打起精神来~~好好的计划一下这一周的小日子吧!Let's continue make the good start of the week! Be positive, be confident!展开全文
#CHEERS豆知识# 增芳德(Zinfandel),充满果味,适应性强的加州葡萄品种,有黑色浆果风味。可酿出富有结构、口感华丽的葡萄酒。也被用于酿制桃红葡萄酒。Zinfandel is California's versatile red grape.It offers an array of flavors including black and red fruit, spice, pepper, tar, and wood.展开全文
复活节来啦,孩子们最喜欢的果汁饮料罗比泡泡,3月29--31日,8折优惠!!31日带你家宝贝到CHEERS店里,找红色复活节彩蛋,更有机会免费赢取一瓶!(每店3瓶)From March 29th to March 31st, save 20% on Robby Bubble!! Let your kid find the Easter Eggs to win of it(3 for each store) !展开全文
#CHEERS女人月# 三月份,大家可以到CHEERS店里,边品尝葡萄酒,边阅览CHEERS 最喜欢的时尚杂志@时尚芭莎 啦!在此要特别感谢CHEERS的好朋友卫甜(@卫甜BAZAAR )!During March we have the most fashionable women's magazine, Bazaar in our stores. A big thank you to Tian Tian!展开全文
#转发有奖# CHEERS is hiring a Web Publisher! Repost to win big prize! CHEERS正在招聘网站策划,不惜重金送出珍贵稀有的瑞士古堡金酒一瓶!赶紧:关注+转发+@ 三位好友 来参与吧!新年将至,好运同来,赶快行动吧~~招聘详情:🔗 网页链接展开全文