that's a college staple! I remember watching it in bed with popcorn back in college, and forced my bf at the time to watch it with me oh those fun college memories展开全文
The original script goes Big: You know, there are lots of pretty damn good looking women out there. Carry: That's a pretty damn good observation. Big: But at the end of the day, I realized, I really just want someone who can make me laugh. -- Sex & the City, the living bible.展开全文
#Bomoda早安#“ There are so many beautiful girls around, that after a while you start looking for someone, who can make you laugh.”-Sex and the City " 周围有这么漂亮的女孩子让人眼花缭乱,时间长了你会发现,其实你要找的是让你放肆大笑的那个人" -欲望都市。更多:🔗 网页链接