I may work in Hollywood. But - 我或许是在好莱坞工作。但是 I’m a vegetarian, I think it keeps me healthy and fit in the best way possible. - 我是个素食者,我觉得这让我保持了健康的身体,也能让我的身材处在最佳状态。 Bob Barker is the MAN. Seriously. The Toronto Zoo elephants are finally where th... - Bob Barker是个真正的男人。是真的。多伦多动物园的大象们最终去到了它们该... 🔗 网页链接 That's a show wrap. On NIKITA.... - 《尼基塔》的拍摄结束了.... It's my last week on NIKITA. I'm sad. I don't wanna do it, but I might. - 这是我在《尼基塔》的最后一周了。我很伤感。我不想这样,但是我可能会这样。 🔗 网页链接 I had so much fun on stage with the Happy Camp family! If y... - 我和@快乐大本营 快乐家族一起在舞台上玩的很开心!如果你错过了昨晚的那一集,还可... 🔗 网页链接 Wuxin I hope you liked my gift! Shoes are truly the key to a woman's heart! - @吴昕 我希望你喜欢我送给你的礼物!美鞋真的是打开女生芳心的钥匙噢! Watch me on tonight's episode of Happy Camp on Hunan TV at 20:10! - 今晚8点10分记得收看@湖南卫视 有我参与的这期@快乐大本营 哦! Thank you for watching Nikita for all 3 seasons! Our fans in China have been so... - 谢谢你们收看了三季的《尼基塔》!中国的粉丝们,你们的支持很给力! 🔗 网页链接 Growing up in Hawaii is why I've always felt so close to nature. Are you a fan of the sea? - 我是在夏威夷长大的,因此总是感觉非常亲近自然。你喜欢海洋吗? Do my fans in Changsha watch Nikita? - 我的长沙粉丝们看《尼基塔》吗?@Fans堂 Ni Hao! How is everyone in China? 3 signed photos will be given to my Weibo fans... - 你好!大家最近过得怎么样?我将会送出3张签名照给我的微博粉丝们。只需分享该微博给... 🔗 网页链接 I like to stay in shape. I’m huge on that. I feel like if you are physically st... - 我喜欢保持好的身材,并对此乐此不疲。我觉得如果身体强壮,尤其是女人,那么就会充满... 🔗 网页链接 I have 3 dogs. They are all rescue dogs found in China and I love them so much. ... - 我有3只狗。它们都是我在中国找到的搜救犬,我非常爱它们。我带着它们绕了大半个地球... 🔗 网页链接 Action is a genre I have done for 15 years. I think it's cool when women are th... - 我拍了15年的动作题材电影和电视剧。我认为将女性设定为故事中的英雄是件很酷的事。 🔗 网页链接 Today I shoot the final scene for Season 3. And I want to say to all of you who make the vids....you touched my heart. Today is for you... - 今天我拍摄了《尼基塔》第3季的最后一场戏。我想对所有制作了这些剧集的工作人员说....你们让我很感动。今天是属于你们的... 展开全文 🔗 网页链接 I urge all of my Chinese fans to spread the word about endangered moon bears in China. Thank you. - 我希望所有的中国粉丝们能相互转告,中国的黑熊正危在旦夕。谢谢你们。My goal is to become the person my dog thinks I am - 我的目标是成为我狗狗认为的那种人 I know we are on a little Nikita break. Thank you for hating that. Shane West an... - 我知道现在《尼基塔》停播了一小会儿,谢谢大家对此表示不喜欢。Shane West... 🔗 网页链接 Shane West, Late Fridays on Nikita mean robes in bed! ;) - Shane West, 周五晚《尼基塔》播出的时候都会穿着长袍躺在床上看!;) Tell me.. which Chinese female figures are an inspiration to you? - 告诉我..哪位中国的女性让你们深受鼓舞? 我正式接受盛大游戏的邀请,向中国的朋友们推荐《时空裂痕》,它是一款来自美国的3D动态网游,我打赌他会和我演的美剧一样,让你过瘾并上瘾。3月6日这款游戏将会公开测试。我爱角色扮演,你呢?@盛大Rift时空裂痕 🔗 网页链接 🔗 网页链接 Expect a whole lot of action in this season my Chinese fans. Stay tuned! Working in movies was a big part of my life. Nikita was the first time I had wo... - 参演电影曾是我生活中重要的一部分。《尼基塔》是我参演的第一部电视剧,对我来说非常... 🔗 网页链接 Happy Valentines day from the set of NIKITA! Owen and I are wishing you much lov... - 情人节快乐,来自尼基塔拍摄现场的祝福!欧文和我祝你们今天拥有满满的爱和快乐!!! 🔗 网页链接 Happy Chinese New Year! GONG XI FA CAI to all my fellow Chinese fans! Enjoy your holidays! - 新年快乐!我所有的中国粉丝们,恭喜发财!节日快乐! Hello China! I recently just got on Wechat, if you want to chat with me follow me now! I look forward to you messages. 中国的粉丝们你好!我最近刚刚下载了微信,如果想要和我聊天的话就在微信上添加我的账号【fanstang_mq】,或者是扫描以下的二维码。我很期待你们的留言哦! 展开全文