Make sure to continue to censor the internet very vigorously, causing pain to people who step over the red line and insult the great Party. That surely will do wonders for China's soft power, and draw new adherents. 展开全文【嘉宾言论】#环球时报年会#人民日报评论部主任卢新宁在谈到"文化崛起"时指出,经济可以狂飙,一日千里,一日崛起,但是文化的衰落或崛起,既非一日之寒,也非一日之功,所以十年来看,"文化崛起"换成"文化构建"似乎更贴近现实一点。她认为,文化构建必须和扎实的文化实践相依托,否则将成为"泡沫"。 展开全文转发 1评论 0 原微博 adamcathcart
Li Yuanchao in Pyongyang carries out his namesake at CPV monument 🔗 网页链接 原微博