【Lucky Entertainment News】汤姆 汉克斯承认患有2型糖 Tom Hanks has been diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes, he revealed onMonday's Late Show.在周一晚... --分享@乐其国际英语 微刊《五分钟英语》里的文章 🔗 网页链接展开全文
Not to deceive your lover.If you had not cheated the grasp of his life, he will tell the truth when the lie was exposed, it was all over.不要去欺骗你的爱人。若你没有欺骗他一辈子的把握,那么便对他说实话当谎言被揭穿的时候,有可能一切都结束了。展开全文
#乐其新闻#Robin Li, the chairman and CEO of search engine Baidu Inc, came out on top of the latest ranking of China's best CEOs published Monday by Forbes China. was followed on the CEO list by Pony Ma from Tencent Holdings.福布斯中文版榜单,李彦宏当选中国最佳CEO马化腾位列次席。展开全文
#乐其实用口语# 1.they are all well received 收到的反响都很好 2.talk u up 说你的好话 3.stand firm to 努力坚持 4.I was just leering 我只是用余光看看 5.organize my thoughts 整理思绪 6.get a little preoccupied 事先有事展开全文