刚刚单位在说每年电脑系统维护就要花几百万…………亲,我想说你每年花这么多钱电脑里却还是装ie 7,office2003……我在网上都能弄到不说最新最起码2010版本正版的注册码……亲,你们的钱也太好赚了吧…… 原微博 改名字要消失你不知道我是谁
oh my holly jesus christ!!!!!居然抽中我了!!!! 原微博 Jessie-e-L
i don't understand if you got the guts to bring people to my father on your own, why ask me this time? just do what you want ,girl!i'm not your bloody advantaged person! How ironic that you just become the person i hated.You reaally hurt my feelngs and you don't realize ,do you? 展开全文原微博