想念是會呼吸的痛。。。 掛著你們!!!@陳茵媺Aimee @陈展鹏煎pang can't believe it's already been a week since I last met u guys!!!
@陳茵媺Aimee love how you take picture of the letter/card from your fans you don't know how much it means to them...✉regret for not making one for you I wonder does @陈展鹏煎pang likes my card that I made for him?!
雖然沒起親身體驗過拍戲但是看到你們拍時都覺得拍戲很辛苦一個scene不懂要重拍多少次。講錯一個字,站的位置不正確,角度不美又要重拍!希望你們在檳城拍攝順利KL WILL MISS YOU GUYS! PS:第一次看真人現場拍戲 @陳茵媺Aimee @陈展鹏煎pang
明天有可能放學後去探班 @陈展鹏煎pang @陳茵媺Aimee hopefully ill get to meet you guys this time. Want this as badly as I want to breathe. 好想親手把這個卡交給展鵬