壮士一去兮不复还,2010门百与老王等3位在起点有过一张合影. 4 hrs ago,Tecnica Trail running Face book updated their cover photo with "1040" #, 兄弟走好 R.I.P //@ferrairossa: //@跑步心情: 展开全文
去年6月南华早报有文,链接已被删,涉及行贿及洗钱(bribery and money laundering)”。(Beijing has major Macau casinos in its sights as it seeks hard evidence of bribery and money laundering amid a snowballing investigation into Yang Kun, a senior banker in Agricultural Bank of China.展开全文
有上面那段话,不难理解 经常在媒体,公众场合看到美国在展示炫耀武力,无论是对外对内,明示 没有特权,真实体现一种人人平等的权力,the fundamental human right! //@Seattlerain: 同感,虽然说自己在美国,但是思维方式很中国。//@還是LanceLi好了: 跟生活圈子小,大多只混华人圈有关,自己制造了和展开全文
Hail to NRA-ILA today! 推荐必看的一个专栏是NRA-ILA的『Armed Citizen』,http://t.cn/zTM6mCK每周更新收集主流媒体不屑报道的,拿起武器的公民捍卫自我生命财产的鲜活事例。Again, in this country, driving is a privilege, bearing arms is not the privilege, but the fundamental human right.