粗读了下整本阿摩司书,"父子对同一女子行淫"不是之前有个官员在天涯上哭诉声讨过这事么。The fallen world, the last days //@张凯律师: 回复@拆书帮赵周: 日光之下并无新事,历史总是惊人的相似 //@拆书帮赵周: 原来圣经中的阿摩斯预言的是两千七百年后的中国…神迹啊 ,怎么能每句都这么贴切呢?!展开全文
一个月内第3次在第3本书上又看到相同的信息"神的存在是一个不以人们的主观意志为转移的客观事实"「游子吟」 //@辉辉常读经: 2nd time in a month coming across this similar mentality thru another book "Christianity is about historical facts.In the end,it's not about feelings…展开全文
「To paraphrase 希11:1,"Faith is being certain of what we do NOT feel." In other words, when there is a debate between what ur feelings say & what Scripture says, Scripture wins.与其说God's word is untrue/I can't trust him,不如说I don't understand what God is doing」#我是基督徒#展开全文 转发 1评论 0
「To paraphrase 希11:1,"Faith is being certain of what we do NOT feel." In other words, when there is a debate between what ur feelings say & what Scripture says, Scripture wins.与其说God's word is untrue/I can't trust him,不如说I don't understand what God is doing」#我是基督徒#展开全文 原微博