Syria內戰開始后除本土偏向世俗的FSA(Free Syrian Army)還有更宗教化、血腥的Al Nusra,甚至Al Quaeda的孿生、繼子ISIS(Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant),後者完全不似前者散亂,很多來自阿富汗車臣中亞甚至索馬裡。@战争史研究WHS@鳳城薩寶 ,請教極端聖戰者除了黑旗與黑衣還有什麽特徵展开全文
Christa Ludwig;René Kollo;Israel Symphony Orchestra;Leonard Bernstein ~《Gustav Mahler: Das Lied von der Erde, for alto (or baritone), tenor & orchestra - 2. Der Einsame im Herbst》 🔗 网页链接 展开全文
“ The moral dimension is absent from the criminal's makeup.” Edgar Hoover走進了Nucky Thompson,Broadway empire似乎是唯一除了錢可以跟阿爾巴尼亞穆斯林可有的談資。當然,他們本來就是5T、Da Nang rascal這樣的Low 貨。展开全文 原微博
以前一直存疑是否有華裔參與Civil War,剛才在論壇看到的這篇鏈接不但肯定了而且還有有趣的八卦~ 文中還提到了容閎,“He was rejected when he offered his services in Washington D.C. in 1864, perhaps because he expected to be commissioned as an officer rather than serving as a private.”展开全文 原微博
A-20 Havoc Low-level attack on the Japanese airfield at Lae (New Guinea). flying over a Japanese Mitsubishi G4M Betty bomber .(U.S. Air Force photo) @战争史研究WHS 印度支那方面未見14 AF有A -20活動?!應該更適宜啊。(莫非B25J的存在故而重複掉。。)展开全文
#La Biennale del Vaticano # !教廷竟然參展了我剛才還是從條中文微博所得知的!(櫻桃核兒差點咽下去+_+)梵蒂岡博物館的主任Antonio Paolucci講到; “Sarà una prima volta, ma non abbiamo il nulla alle spalle.”人家第一次嗎〜所以啥也木有〜 負責教廷文化事務的樞機主教-展开全文
文末“ 如何將刑事傷害與政治理清”,這點贊同許多。另阿桑奇成為標靶是我們的悲劇,個人不應承受,正如Galileo所說;需要英雄的國家是不幸的。non più un eroe - vittima sacrificale di un tempo non ancora pronto ad accogliere le sue idee innovative......//@覃里雯: //@诗人邹波: 转发微博展开全文