I like the words: "Yesterday is history, Tomorrow is mystery , and Today is a gift.that's why we call it the present."I don't know why I can't sleep now, but I know that I should say hello for new day..Whatever happened, we should smile for our own new day and for this world.. 展开全文原微博 Wallow_J
为了安抚我的胃先生...决定从明天开始每天喝牛奶...一个疼还没消,另一个又来了......不算娇气的外表下却藏着个貌似林黛玉的身体..我要养身了看来...@夜喵喵kiki 原微博 Wallow_J
傻子在装傻.... //@夜喵喵kiki: 5月吧好像 //@梅子妖幺妹子: 哦哟喂,这个是什么时候的啊 //@牙麽茶: 哟 很久没来了 一来就有惊喜啊 原微博