回复@ny老朱: 有灰尘,但人们不久即忘的。除了政客和敏感部门,这个世界欢迎互联网。当然,什么都是有利有弊的。(个人偏见吧,算是微博的非正式意见) //@ny老朱: 昨天的纽约时报有篇N.S.A. Foils Much Internet Encryption。Edward J. Snowden事件令美国互联网公司的长远发展蒙上了一些灰尘。展开全文
还会上升。(2000年常听到的牛话,the market wants it to go up until it stops.同时,空仓太多,逼空吧。一些对冲基金亏了(只有对冲基金可空)。因此,yelp is still a buy.个人也看好LNDK. //@ny老朱: 在中国国内的由于不用YELP,对YELP了解不多。展开全文
The power of shorting naked puts (裸卖空ITM和ATM看跌期权的力量)。1,对象:明显上升趋势,no reversal。2.机机会:短期调整至某技术点。3,时间,个人倾向与1-3月。好处,除了佣金,没开支,但需20%-30%保证金(1合约的150行权价是3000-4500美元),卖空后,premium即入账户。坏处,黑天鹅风险。转发 1评论 0
CBI, a shale oil play, has a forwad multiple of 13 ( $4.83 @2014). It has earning growth of 20-30% in the next three years.尽管CBI股票大涨(62美元-63美元),再升值30%任有可能。它是买入和持有对象,目标价80美元----85美元。展开全文 原微博
Mr Gross有意思。1992年,他询问一批华尔街的策略家,克林顿当选后,股市如何?大家都持否定态度,因为克林顿要加富人的税。后来如何呢?作者的大概意思是,投资者或交易员不会因为税的问题,不投入市场。联想到那本专注IC的作者的妙语,the stock market trys to make everyone as fool as posible.展开全文 原微博
期权差价交易(debit or credit spread)是一次性交易。美国卷商期权网页都有此特性,入仓时,买入(open to buy)和卖出(open to sell)。佣金:期权合约+基本费。较好的TOS,FIDELITY,IB,ETRADE都显示中间价位。清仓时,卖出(close to buy),买回(buy to close).交易用限价,中间价上下的0.05-0.10。展开全文 转发 1评论 0
期权差价交易(debit or credit spread)是一次性交易。美国卷商期权网页都有此特性,入仓时,买入(open to buy)和卖出(open to sell)。佣金:期权合约+基本费。较好的TOS,FIDELITY,IB,ETRADE都显示中间价位。清仓时,卖出(close to buy),买回(buy to close).交易用限价,中间价上下的0.05-0.10。展开全文 原微博
WMB is a good one,paying 2.88% dividend with potential capital appreciation .It can also be traded with its derivatives as a source of extra income. //@TheValleyLife: 建议可以看一看大的天然气公司,譬如Williams Companies (WMB)。展开全文
should be "might not". //@vivval: 回复@uclatrader: In my view,a "too strong opinion in economics" might help much in terms of short term trading from two minutes to three months. //@uclatrader: profiting from the economics? maybe for the long run, useless for the trading.展开全文
I may be wrong,but many times the most favorable approach to make a profit is to look at the trend from charts and money flows,not from economics.That's what happened in the last two weeks (surely US avoids a recession as many economists predicted). What do you guys think?转发 1评论 0