U`r right, let me wait for nothing/Let me spend my time/When u feel the smell of wax/U will know that, u will know y/I go wandering on the other side In the realm of the living I’m dead/And on the other side I would be myself/Why fighting the truth when u are persuaded otherwise展开全文 原微博
索然寡味Shadyon法国交响前卫,我不喜欢的死碾Shatter It All,个人觉得纯装比的澳洲黑激流Shrapnel没有黑的境也没有激流的劲,让我想起来罗百吉那句给我吹喇叭的带有严重disco节奏的歌曲suck my dick的主人来自我一直讨厌他们国家音乐的俄罗斯的色碾Shredded Cunt,这些都被我删了```展开全文 原微博