- shortage of milk power is not a fault of mainland moms it's of the HK supply chain. #freemarket #shutupmainlanderbashers
- Me:" i think its my personality taking my normality over" "No... It's your abnormality" hahahah
- "If u slip on a banana peel ppl will laugh at you, but if u tell ppl u slipped, its your joke" -Nora Ephron
- Annie本人超高贵又甜又搞笑!网友太苛刻!//@大嘞: Love Annie!真人其实很美皮肤又好~为什么评论那么刻薄!@倪佳欣lora
- Twinny@ladyfennypard !!!!! 我们那么象,生日又那么接近!可惜这次我在伦敦你在纽约,希望你生日快乐,永远那么开心那么美丽那么花熏! 明年我们俩还是要每天下班一起去sevva 找工作也要都在中环 离LKF近的...直接下班换高跟鞋走起的(o不是,你是脱了西装就能进DI的那种。。)展开全文