四岁的小孩,为什么?//@廖伟棠: 珠海之恥。 这个小孩从四岁开始就被珠海市三灶镇维稳中心单独关押在黑监狱里四年之久,因为不见阳光和没有交流,已被摧残成弱智且丧失了语言功能。他的母亲因被维稳已失踪日久。现他在广州火车站广场派出所里,已十二小时没进食。刚珠海维稳人员过来可能带走他。现场已有近十个网友来声援。 转发 1评论 0 原微博 黎momom
Faced with this state of affairs in an accelerated temporality that affects customs and moral standards and art every bit as much as the politics of nations,one thing stands out as being of the utmost urgency:to expose the accident in Time.(Paul Virilio) 展开全文原微博