Adam Driver for L'Uomo Vogue 🔗 网页链接 这次的摄影师是我们熟悉的Caitlin Cronenberg,等着她的汤不漏早日更新高清大图。Adam似乎陷入了一个怪圈,不管是前不久的Vogue还是这次的L'Uomo,摄影师的焦点都在于他浑身散发的野性,所以他才会在短片里穿着那么昂贵的衣服啃树枝淌浑水吧。展开全文
无意看到Indiewire总结的13年艾美提名之亮点【】,最后一条“Half the series' directing nominees are women”好亮,Girls、MF、30 Rock、BB和Homeland提名的全是女导演,而这次Girls选送的是第九集On All Fours【即Adam强行后入+Marnie现场清唱】,以下是Lena的相关回应。展开全文
没有推特之前真不知道Richard E. Grant如此有趣。明明是去东京办正经事,却在某种意义上成了他追溯《迷失东京》的心灵之旅。刻有Bill Murray痕迹的酒吧、浴室、客厅和游泳池,都要用Bill Murray的方式体验一次,在酒吧等着他的斯嘉丽,在客厅扮演着他的孤独与迷失。最后谢谢Lena把他cast进第三季。展开全文
刚看到纽约客有篇文章里这样分析Jonathan Ames:he clearly likes to put himself out there, partly for the adrenaline rush, partly for the material, and no doubt partly to figure out who he is ... the first lines of almost all his books start with the word "I".展开全文 原微博
“He got put into actor jail for a while but we always felt we could write our way out of that. We came from nowhere, but if you can write, you can write yourself a part and that’s what Ben did.” 🔗 网页链接 激励下抓破脑袋写论文的自己吧...展开全文 原微博
Lena Dunham on Chelsea Lately 🔗 网页链接 Lena参加的所有节目中最喜欢的就是这个吧。整体造型漂亮,故事也算精彩,说到拍裸戏“I’m getting poked by somebody’s weird penis in a bag for an hour”那里逗死了,不过最大的笑点还是Judd Apatow给她回电话张口就来“This is Isabel”。展开全文