#more to learn# I don't say anything. I merely offer you a facial expression taht suggests you have gone insane. – Jim Parsons AKA Dr. Sheldon Cooper 我啥也不说,就做个表情,让你知道你已经没药可救了。-谢耳朵展开全文
#More to Learn# Drop Big Bucks 释义: 花大价钱,挥金如土。例句: Chinese tourists have developed quite a reputation for dropping big bucks during their US travels. 中国游客在美国旅游期间挥金如土是出了名的。展开全文 原微博
#More to Learn# The secret of being miserable is to have leisure to bother about whether you are happy or not. (George Bernard Shaw, Irish playwright, 1856-1950) 不幸的根源在于有闲功夫担心自己是否幸福。(乔治·萧伯纳,爱尔兰剧作家,1856-1950)展开全文 原微博
#More to Learn#@CRI刘彦 分享:YOLO是you only live once(你只会活一次)的首字母缩写。如同carpe diem(活在当下)和memento mori(别忘了自己总有一天会死去)两句拉丁文俗语一样,YOLO鼓励人们要享受人生、及时行乐。这个词火了之后,很多人用它当纹身。猜猜图里的明星是谁?展开全文
#more to learn##Cool Fact# 冷知识 1. Some insects can still live a year without head, like earthworm. 2. Only 30% of people can zoom his nostrils. 3. It's said 70% of American kids think Santa Claus is from China, because there's always "Made in China" on the presents.展开全文
#more to learn#@轻松调频张一天 1.15% of people are left-handed. Males are twice as likely than females. 2. Female cats are more likely to be right-pawed, while male cats tend to be left-pawed. 3.Of the last 5 presidents, 3 are left-handed(Obama, Clinton, Bush Sr.).展开全文
#Music Matters#@飞鱼秀小飞: Of Monsters and Men 是一只男女双主唱的乐队,对唱或和音的表现力强,让你永远不会觉得单调。配器很巧妙,并不仅仅是歌声的陪衬,反而拥有相对独立的创作动机,而且他们作品的高潮部分往往是由器乐引出的。推荐这首Little Talks 🔗 网页链接展开全文
#More to Learn#@CRI刘彦: Murphy's Law(墨菲定律)特别适合无心工作的周一:Anything that can go wrong, will go wrong. (任何可能出状况的环节,一定会出状况。)说穿了,这个定律就是告诫我们:永远别抱侥幸心理。与其把命运交给未知因素决定,不如自己把所有功夫都做足,这才最保险。加油!展开全文