凤头百灵Crested Lark友谊和花香一样,还是淡一点的比较好@探长C@真实的我们VH Friendship is just like the floral scent ,the more fragrant the more pungent.Correspondingly,the relationship between you and me has better be lighter.展开全文
Red-rumpedSwallow金腰燕@真实的我们VH@探长C 黄昏的地平线 割断幸福喜悦 相爱已经幻灭Gloaming falls,i can easily see the skyline of nightfall cuts off felicity and delight between you and me,also that drops a hint of vanishing into thin air of our true affection.展开全文
池鹭AND小白 谁人又相信一世一生 这肤浅对白@真实的我们VH@探长C we all love to commit a forever and ever for our half.Nonetheless,whoever truly persist in this unctuous promise? It is just a superficial and shallow talk,which is heart-broken to unclose.展开全文
蚕是被自己的丝裹住的.@探长C@真实的我们VH When a silkworm is envious of flying batterfly over his head,does it know that the silk clabbing all body is the most hamper?Just to breach the cocoon and the world will altogether your eyes.展开全文 原微博
The competent always spirally pirate others petty triumph,they can't comply the explicit rule and conspire resolutely to distort those revealed truth.To conceal ingredient is the only revolt展开全文 原微博