#看情书学英文# Here I am back and still smouldering with passion, like wine smoking.我回到家中,激情依然在我心里灼烧,仿佛冒烟的葡萄酒。(1932年大作家亨利•米勒写给他的情人古巴日记作家阿奈兹•宁的情书)—译言网 @译言精选展开全文 原微博
#看情书学英文#I feel the greatest peace and joy sitting in the dining room listening to you rustling about, your dress like the goddess Indra studded with a thousand eyes.坐在餐厅听你忙里忙外的声音,看见你的裙子仿佛千眼女神在翩翩起舞,我感到极度的平静与快乐。—译言网 @译言精选展开全文 原微博
This uncertainty afflicts me with a sense of personal deterioration; if I were in decent health I would know how many nights I had sat up with a pig.这种恍惚让我痛苦起来,我感到自己在衰老。倘若我身体尚好,我肯定能够回忆起陪那头猪坐了多少个夜晚。(E.B. White散文Death of A Pig)展开全文 原微博
#烹饪英语关键词#(1)煮Cook/boil;(2)煎Pan-fry or shallow fry;(3)炒Stir-fry;(4)蒸Steam;(5)炸Deep fry;(6)烤Roast;(7)焗ake, usually in foil (箔) or paper;(8)烘Normal baking or toasting process;(9)溜Stir-fry with starchy gravy;(10)煨Stew展开全文
An interesting dining experience at Polly House。女主人如一位女将,时而指点江山,时而亲自上阵,眉宇间尽显成熟,谈吐间尽显专业。更感谢donate给我的钱包。一句微博戏言尽然成真,实属意外。遗憾的是,我手机拍的照片没法导出来。(图片源于成都吃喝玩乐网论坛)@曾小喵嘞个咪@薄利好食串串店展开全文