Heyyyyyy can u help me something? Tell everybody to go on YouTube and search "Chinese Medicine" It's from COBISScienceAwards It's our groups video we need more people to watch it LIKE it and SUBSCRIBE it 展开全文原微博 PerfectLifeDreamer
SUCH A FUN FUN DAY TODAY~~~ Even though it's not that long... But maybe this will be the last time that people see each other... HOPE EACH OF US STILL HAV TIME TO HANG OUT BEFORE THE HOLIDAY ENDS~~~!!! @RachLi @Alex_Han_AH @Leroyyy-Liii 展开全文原微博 PerfectLifeDreamer
@K_HneverwAnamOveoN 已經說過一次啦 但我覺得在這裡也有必要再對你說一次 HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!! 又長大了一歲 希望在接下來十四歲的一年里 能看到全新的KIKI!!!!!!!! 生日快樂啦! 原微博 MLKeepOnDreaming
Bad Alex //@Alex_Han_AH: Hehehaha 笨毛 //@PerfectLifeDreamer: 我怎麼看也看不懂... //@Alex_Han_AH: ......wa........ Maoooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!! //@PerfectLifeDreamer: Obviously I know... Algebra瘋子 //@Alex_Han_AH: Btw it's relate to algebra //@PerfectLifeDreamer: Alex 是瘋子... 展开全文原微博 MLKeepOnDreaming
我怎麼看也看不懂... //@Alex_Han_AH: ......wa........ Maoooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!! //@PerfectLifeDreamer: Obviously I know... Algebra瘋子 //@Alex_Han_AH: Btw it's relate to algebra //@PerfectLifeDreamer: Alex 是瘋子... 展开全文原微博