You're like an Indian summer In the middle of winter Like a hard candy With a surprise center How do I get better Once I've had the best You said there's Tons of fish in the water So the waters I will test 展开全文原微博 聖誕麋鹿六六六小姐
怕怕猫到货了不过无你份@Entei_日炙 就系呢只 原微博 聖誕麋鹿六六六小姐
今个周末相当充实,寻日早上拔牙下午去了喵喵家看宝宝晚上去了夜宵~今日同@龍氏天册金轮大圣希夷 @Entei_日炙 去了好多地方吃东西又买了喜欢的,好久无咁开心过了。烦恼什么的,先行放下吧。 原微博