yes, I miss how easily we could talk. Everything that catched my attention, I was thinking to tell u at night. Now i dun share stories cuz i am so sure u no longer have interests to know. This is life and i have accepted. :) 展开全文原微博 1Rene_eneR1
功夫不负有心人。千里迢迢又来到兰桂坊撞tablo和GD。这次终于是要到了合照。Tablo人超nice的。虽然助理阿纠妈有点不愿意他还是爽快答应了。还主动和我们一一拥抱握手了好开心。 我在: 原微博 1Rene_eneR1
2am again!! Anyone can teach me how to spell TIRED!! 原微博 1Rene_eneR1
轰梨酥and鸡蛋布丁!!! 原微博