<The arrest of Ai Weiwei> Hampstead Theatre 这是一部讲他从机场被劫,被关了80多天,直到最后签字画押被释放的故事。配合最近出版的书<Hanging man>上映。现在回顾起来有种是在用中文演的感觉,演weiwei的人表演很到位。离场的时候偶遇也来看戏的Vivienne Westwood,打了个招呼,算是意外收获。展开全文
真的假的!vimeo! Oh yeah! //@Eva_Qian_Li: Good news! they have Facebook, we have RenRen; they have Google, we have Baidu...//@文森杜: Vimeo is not blocked in the mainland anymore! Big news and good sign for internet censorship and media opening up.展开全文
#london展览#[everything was moving-photography from the 60s-70s]Barbican centre 六七十年代的照片展。一楼黑白照片美国作者居多。二楼相对独立,喜欢Boris Mikhaliov。还有开创日本现代摄影的shomei tomatsu。最后还有一位名叫li zhenjiang的中国摄影师纪录mao与culture revolution.展开全文