White Feather wrote the name of love, in the long night I run out of the lights and wine; morning fog I believe Rose time with you!用白羽毛写下名字与爱恋,在长夜里我耗尽了灯火与醇酒;晨雾中我相信了玫瑰与时间,一切也与你有关!展开全文
Fate so that we come together, understanding, tolerance, trust and good faith let us love one another, draw to the haven of happiness.缘份使我们走在一起,理解、宽容、信任与真诚让我们彼此相爱,划向幸福的港湾。展开全文
Rustic grace and avant-garde, industrious and agile mind, kindness, love and hate, distance and time and turned it into ashes, you retain the softest place in my heart.质朴而风姿前卫,勤劳而头脑敏捷,善良而爱憎分明,距离和时间都化成了灰烬,在心底最柔软的地方保留着你。 展开全文
Just want to have your footprints next to accompany every step, every eye can only hope to get your response, only hope that the sunset embracing figure!只希望每一个脚印旁都有你的脚印陪伴,只希望每一个眼神都能得到你的响应,只希望夕阳下你我相拥的身影!展开全文