#早安朗阁#Just keep your mind open and suck in the experience and if it hurts,it's probably worth it. 只要你畅开心扉去迎接新的生活和经历,哪怕有所疼痛都是值得的。【温馨提示】朗阁秋季招生火热进行中:雅思、新托福、小托福、SAT、SSAT、GRE、GMAT,ACT、综合英语,微信号:nb-longre展开全文
#早安·朗阁雅思# It’s often said that you will have the same life as the person you find. Therefore, different choices make different endings. 人们常说,找到了什么样的人就有了什么样的生活,因此,做了不同的选择,就有不同的结局。🔗 网页链接展开全文
【宁波SAT培训】写作连接性词汇整理:SAT写作连接性词汇1)、启 A proverb says...... At present....... As the proverb says.... Currently..... Generally speaking, .... Now...文字版>> 🔗 网页链接 (新浪长微博>> 🔗 网页链接展开全文
#早安·朗阁SAT#Don't feel sad over someone who gave up on you. Feel sorry for them because they gave up on someone who never would have given up on them.不要为某人放弃你而感到悲伤。他们才是可悲的因为他们放弃了不会放弃他们的人。展开全文
#朗阁实用英语#【chance】Not a chance. 没门儿!| Do you know that guy by any chance? 你认识那个人么?| You had your chance but you blew it. 我给过你机会,你自己搞砸了。CC抠鼻| I'm willing to take my chances. 我愿意冒这个险。| I don39;t stand a fighting chance. 一点戏都没有。查看全文>>展开全文
#朗阁心灵# Always think before maturity is steady, now, is the most difficult to achieve chic. 以前总是觉得成熟就是稳重,在现在看来,最难做到的就是潇洒。【温馨提示】宁波学雅思、托福、SAT、小语种、只选宁波朗阁!🔗 网页链接展开全文
#朗阁美句# One of the hardest parts in life is forcing yourself to forget the things that made you happy just because it's over. 生活中最难的部分,是强迫自己忘记那些让你开心快乐的点点滴滴,只因一切已成过去。【温馨提示】宁波学雅思、托福、SAT、小语种、只选宁波朗阁!展开全文
#朗阁生活#Always want to have a lot of, but the present day is my all. 想拥有的总是很多,可是眼前的日子已经是我的全部。【温馨提示】宁波学雅思、托福、SAT、小语种、只选宁波朗阁!http://t.cn/z8Ju0Wh推荐关注 @宁波朗阁培训中心 微信号:nblangge 热线电话:87026881 87026882展开全文
#朗阁美句# Some succeed because they are destined to, but most succeed because they are determined to. 有些人成功,是因为他们命中注定要成功;但绝大部分人成功,是因为他们下定决心要成功。【温馨提示】宁波学雅思、托福、SAT、小语种、只选宁波朗阁!🔗 网页链接展开全文
#早安朗来啦#My favorite part of the day is when I first wake up because for those five seconds, I don’t remember any thing. 一天当中我最爱的时刻就是早晨刚刚醒来的那五秒钟,因为自己什么也不记得,一片空白。【温馨提示】宁波学雅思、托福、SAT、小语种、只选宁波朗阁!展开全文
#朗阁生活# Don't worry too much about the ambiguous future, just make effort for explicit being present.不为模糊不清的未来过分担忧,只为清清楚楚的现在奋发图强。【温馨提示】宁波学雅思、托福、SAT、小语种、只选宁波朗阁!🔗 网页链接展开全文
#朗阁美句# The minute you think of giving up, think of the reason why you held on so long. 在你想要放弃的那一刻,想想为什么当初坚持走到了这里。【温馨提示】宁波学雅思、托福、SAT、小语种、只选宁波朗阁!🔗 网页链接展开全文
#朗阁生活#The tragedy of life doesn't lie in not reaching your goal. The tragedy lies in having no goal to reach. 人生的悲剧不是没有实现目标,而是没有目标可实现 【温馨提示】宁波学雅思、托福、SAT、小语种、只选宁波朗阁!🔗 网页链接展开全文
#朗阁英语#A man know what my life, it can endure any life.一个人知道自己为什么而活,那么就能忍受任何生活。【温馨提示】宁波学雅思、托福、SAT、小语种、只选宁波朗阁!http://t.cn/z8Ju0Wh推荐关注 @宁波朗阁培训中心 微信号:nblangge 热线电话:87026881 87026882展开全文
#朗阁短句#Speak quickly 语速过快 /Ask too many questions 问题太多/ Scripted 念稿子 /Hog the spotlight 霸占聊天焦点 / Miss the objective 失去谈话目标 /Never back down 从不让步 /Talk about awkward topics 谈论尴尬话题 http://t.cn/z8Ju0Wh展开全文 原微博
#朗阁心语#Everybody thinks of changing humanity, and nobody thinks of changing himself. 每个人都在想改变别人,但没有人在想改变自己 【温馨提示】宁波学雅思、托福、SAT、小语种、只选宁波朗阁! http://t.cn/z8Ju0Wh展开全文
#心系余姚#Time is always a bystander, all the process and results, all need our own account.时间,永远是生命中的旁观者,所有过程和结果,都需要我们自己来承担。 【温馨提示】宁波学雅思、托福、SAT、小语种、只选宁波朗阁!🔗 网页链接展开全文
#早安朗来啦#Don't criticize the disappointments of life, everything is nothing more than our innocence in social reality. 不必挑剔生活的不如意,所有的一切不外乎是自己的天真遇上社会的现实罢了【温馨提示】宁波学雅思、托福、SAT、小语种、只选宁波朗阁!🔗 网页链接展开全文